Landlord Obligations
As a landlord you have an obligation to ensure your property's electrical installation is safe when tenants move in and maintained in a safe condition throughout its duration. Local authorities may impose a financial penalty of up to £30,000 on landlords who are in breach of their duties.
From 1st June 2020, private landlords in England must have the electrical installation in their rental properties checked by a qualified electrician to ensure that they are safe.
This means that:
Electrical installations must be inspected and tested prior to the start of a new tenancy from 1st July 2020
Checks must be carried out on any existing tenancies by 1st April 2021
These checks must then be carried out on a five yearly basis.
A copy of the most recent electrical safety condition report (EICR) must be provided to both new and retained tenants.
Every electrical installation deteriorates over time and therefore the safety of users can be put at risk if periodic inspections and rectification work are not carried out.
P&Q can help you meet your legal obligations as a landlord by carrying out an inspection, testing & certification exercise for a fixed price and subsequently carrying out any required remedial work.
What is an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR)?
The EICR is the output of a thorough inspection & testing of the condition of an electrical installation.
The report will determine if the installation is safe to be continues for use or if any remedial work needs to be carried out.

Please Note
When an EICR inspection & testing is performed in a property all electrical installations must be disconnected from the mains electrical power supply; depending on the size of the property this can be anywhere from half a day to a whole day.
Access to all electrical points such as switches, sockets and lights will be required; appliances will also need to be unplugged during the test.
We need to switch off and disconnect the power for reasons of safety and to be able to apply the correct tests to the relevant electrical circuits.
The disconnection of the power supply is of course going to be an inconvenience for those that are using the building at the time, so it is important that all residents are informed of this in advance.